May 2011 to May 2013

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Teaching in the MTC

Hey this week has been great. I have really figured out why I am here and who sent me and who is on my side. It is great to be in the Lord’s service! This week I taught more. We have progressive investigators that we keep teaching. I can’t remember if I told you about them already. We have two teachers and we teach both of them. One of them we were teaching for the first time. We were teaching the first lesson and my companion got scared and jumped past everything and went right to the book of Mormon. It was really funny. It messed my up real bad, but it worked out. I ended up talking for most of the time. Look in Preach my Gospel lesson one to see all that he skipped. We are teaching the beginning of the lesson tomorrow. The other investigator we had it a little more organized. We are preparing lesson 2 for him. It is about the plan of salvation. I hope the first lesson went well. He did not keep his commitment of coming to church, so we are going to try to harp a little on that. Even though these are fake investigators, it is great to teach them. If you pray and think of them as real, they really turn into real investigators and it is great. For the investigator where we jumped to the Book of Mormon, when I was bearing my testimony I got all teary eyed, the spirit is so strong here. I keep catching myself wiping my eyes because they are teary. I did not think I was a huge crier but I guess I am. ha-ha. The worst was at the mission conference on Sunday. It was a great 2 hour meeting where we were taught from the MTC mission president and his counselors and their wives. They had great testimonies. It showed me that I need to try harder, work harder, put in all of my time to serve the Lord. I have never worked so hard, and wanted the days to last longer so that I could have more time to work. The Devotional yesterday was spectacular. The part that stood out to me is every morning find a spot, after you have got ready for the day, and talk to the Lord. Tell him your plan for the day and have a discussion with him. I tried it today and it has already made a difference in my day. My Spanish is coming along. I want it to come faster, but I am working hard and trying my best.