Well, our lesson with the Chinese lady fell through this week and so Bishop had cooked too much food. Yet again, we had to eat a lot! I can tell you one thing, in the past 3 weeks I have not been going hungry at all. I think I have gained like 10 pounds.
Last Monday, I played basketball for the first time in a couple months. It was awful. I need to play more or I am going to be terrible when I get back home and my little brother is going to make me work for everything I’ve got. I then played basketball again later in the week. Elder Coleman and I were riding and we were a little ahead of schedule. We saw a few guys playing ball, so in our shirts and ties we took them on. It was a little better. They were impressed with our skills in a shirt and tie. Ha-ha.
I went on an exchange to Ceres again (it is my 3rd time there). It is super cool to go to the zone leader area because they have it working like clockwork. There was never a down time. It was lesson after lesson after lesson. It was super cool. I also got to teach a guy that I found my first time there; he has now been baptized.
So there might be a baptism in Patterson this weekend. We will see. There is a guy who is super ready and he just needs to decide to get baptized this weekend. He is super cool and he is pretty much a member. We get more help from him then most of the members that are around.
The work here in Patterson is booming. It is great to see. When I came in, it was slow. And now it is just about to blow up, if the members get involved and there continues to be good missionaries here. We are doing so well here that even the next door neighbor ward wants us coming over there to teach people. We have our fun ward mission leader in the Spanish Branch going with us all the time. It is cool to see him grow while being with us. It also leads to lots of funny stories because he is old and Hispanic, which just equals funny.
On Saturday, we went to a Hispanic Thanksgiving dinner with the whole stake of Spanish speakers. It was super cool. There are so many faithful Spanish members here in the Turlock area. It was so cool to see. The sad part was the missionaries had to leave before the dancing started.
Saturday night we stopped in at Burger king after going to Newman to do some missionary work there. They have a drink machine with over 100 flavors of soda. It is the coolest thing I have ever seen. There are drinks I have never heard of.
Sunday we were super busy just teaching people left and right, even during church we were having a lesson. It was crazy.